“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 ESV

I’m fine. I really am. It’s all fine. All is good. I feel good. And fine. Yes, good and fine. I feel them both. But then …

Why do I feel anxious? Why do I feel off-center? Why do I feel distracted? Why do I feel angry or snappy or blue?

It seems like it’s not really me, but I feel it. Then I’m confused, like a yappy dog that doesn’t know if they are glad to see you or mad you’re looking at them. What’s going?

You’re not crazy.

It’s not really you.

You are right. You are fine. You are good.


There are pockets around you that are not. They aren’t good. They aren’t fine. They are anxious and distracted and snappy and angry and all of it.

Be aware that the spiritual realm is real. You can feel it. It is not an imaginary place or even a wormhole type conundrum that does not affect life on earth. We ARE affected.

This is where discernment comes in. As a child of God, you have access to information. You have access to wisdom. You just have to ask, “God, is this me? Is what I’m feeling really me? Or is what I’m feeling what’s going on in my house, my city, the world?”

THEN ask Him what to do about it. As saints, Holy ones, our responsibility is to maintain alignment with the Father to keep the crazy of this world out of our minds, hearts and spirits. We can feel it, but not invite it in to play.

If our mind is being attacked, we renew our mind in Christ Jesus. Read scripture, take thoughts captive and not allow them one more minute in our brain. Be the boss and take authority to remove those thoughts in the name of Jesus.

If our heart, our emotions, are being attacked, we ask the Lord to anchor us in truth. We reject any emotions that are not from the Father and don’t flip flop with the shifting tide of our feelings. We rebuke the emotional intrusion and release the Holy Spirit to fill us with His truth.

If our spirit is being attacked, we take authority to command the unclean spirit away from us. We test what is coming against us and thank the Lord that He fights for us and lifts our feet out of the pit. Then we worship. We worship. We worship some more.

We are in this world and not of it, friend. We don’t have to be swayed by the spiritual pollution all around us. We are rooted and grounded in His great love for us and He has equipped us in every way to overcome.

You are fine.

You are good.

Wink, wink.